Synoptic Designer for Power BI

Synoptic Designer is a companion tool of Synoptic Panel, a custom visual for Power BI created by OKVIZ.

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Synoptic Designer is a web free editor for Synoptic Panel.

This tool works in the browser client-side, that means it doesn't transmit any data to our servers.

This tool is just a proof of concept and it is not intended for production use.
We currently don't provide any support for this tool, but we are happy to receive your feedback and suggestions.

You can use the Synoptic Panel without Synoptic Designer.

Export to Power BI

Fantastic work! Now you can import the following file in Synoptic Panel by OKVIZ in Power BI and start highlighting your data:

Right click on the above image and press Save Image as...

Edit in Designer
or just import in Power BI directly from Synoptic Panel component