Synoptic Designer is a public web site providing a free editor for the SVG files required by Synoptic Panel to define the layout to display.
The editor works in the browser, but it doesn't transmit the images you load or the areas you define to our servers. Your data is stored on the client side. If you are not comfortable with using such a public service, you should consider a local SVG editor as those described at
Introducing Synoptic Panel.
Synoptic Panel is a free custom visual developed by OKVIZ and it is distributed by Microsoft.
The Synoptic Panel custom visual is provided “as is” by OKVIZ, which will consider feature requests and bug fixes for future release, without a commitment for a delivery at a particular date.
If you have privacy concern about the use of a certified custom visual in Power BI, you should contact Microsoft, which certified the component so that it fulfills all the requirement described in the link above. Please note that the Power BI platform constantly communicates with Microsoft services, without any involvement of third parties.
Please note you can use the Synoptic Panel custom visual *without* using Synoptic Designer.